Corlib Version 0.4.0 Released

Corlib Version 0.4.0 has been released with the following change notes:


  • Added pp_mut, checked_pp_mut, ppf_mut, mm_mut, mmf_mut, checked_mm_mut macros to the inc_dec module.

  • Added the IncDecSelf trait to the inc_dec module.

  • Added IncDecSelf trait implementations for the f32, f64, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, and usize primitive objects.

  • Added an ArcStr variant as well as is_arc_str and extract_string methods to MovableText and renamed it to SendableText.

  • Added SendableTextLog and SendableTextLogWithBuffer to the text module.

  • Added pp_mut, checked_pp_mut, ppf_mut, mm_mut, mmf_mut, checked_mm_mut macros to the inc_dec module.

  • Added a drop_panic feature which enables the newly added DropPanic struct.

  • Added the opp_mut and omm_mut macros.

  • Added serde as an optional dependency.

  • Added the Immut struct.

  • Added the WorkInProgressResult and IdedWorkInProgressResult structs.

  • Added the Cell module and moved the rfc module into it and publicly exposed its contents.

  • Added the RefCellStore struct to the Cell module.

  • Added the Convert module and moved the as_any module into it.

  • Added impl_as_any_ref_method, AsAnyMut, impl_as_any_mut and impl_as_any_mut_method to the Convert module.

  • Added SingleSubArgsEvent, PubSingleSubArgsEvent, SingleSubEvent and PubSingleSubEvent to the events module.

  • Added macros impl_pub_single_sub_event_method and impl_pub_single_sub_args_event_method.

  • Added the value module and its contents.

  • Added the cargo_env public module.

  • Added the impl_cargo_env_accessor macro to cargo_env.

  • Added cargo, cargo_manifest_dir, cargo_manifest_path, cargo_pkg_version, cargo_pkg_version_major, cargo_pkg_version_patch, cargo_pkg_version_pre, cargo_pkg_authors, cargo_pkg_name, cargo_pkg_description, cargo_pkg_homepage, cargo_pkg_repository, cargo_pkg_license, cargo_pkg_license_file, cargo_pkg_rust_version and cargo_pkg_readme functions to the cargo_env module (via impl_cargo_env_accessor).

  • Added RcRefCellStore and WeakRefCellStore to the cell module.

  • Added impl_cargo_env_accessor_pair to cargo_env.

  • Added cargo_pair, cargo_manifest_dir_pair, cargo_manifest_path_pair, cargo_pkg_version_pair, cargo_pkg_version_major_pair, cargo_pkg_version_minor_pair, cargo_pkg_version_patch_pair, cargo_pkg_version_pre_pair, cargo_pkg_authors_pair, cargo_pkg_name_pair, cargo_pkg_description_pair, cargo_pkg_homepage_pair and cargo_pkg_repository_pair, cargo_pkg_license_pair, cargo_pkg_license_file_pair, cargo_pkg_rust_version_pair and cargo_pkg_readme_pair to the cargo_env module via impl_cargo_env_accessor_pair.

  • Added the weak_self public module containing the WeakSelf trait and the impl_weak_self_trait macro.

  • Added the rc directory module and moved the RcByPtr and WeakByPtr structs and the RcDefault and ArcDefault traits into it.

  • Added ArcByPtr and SyncWeakByPtr structs to the rc module.


  • Renamed the “text_enums” module to “text” and made it public.

  • For RcByPtr and WeakByPtr the “cmp” and “partial_cmp” implementations now cast all Rc pointers to unit to avoid ambiguous wide pointer comparison issues.

  • “up_rc_pt” and “up_arc_pt” have been added to the “upgrading” module.

  • The Dictionary, KeyValuePair, List, Queue and UniqueItemList collection objects now conditionally implement std::fmt::Debug.

  • The GapFillingCounter, NonOption, RcByPtr and WeakByPtr objects now conditionally implement std::fmt::Debug.

  • All HasOne object implementations now implement std::fmt::Debug.

  • MovableText now implements Debug, Clone, PartialEq and Eq.

  • Deprecated the trait_get, trait_get_2, trait_get_set, trait_get_2_set, impl_get, impl_get_2, impl_get_set and impl_get_2_set macros.

  • Implemented Display, Deref (Target = str), From, From<&String>, From<&'static str>, From<Arc> and From<&Arc> for SendableText and removed its ToString trait implementation.

  • Made the inc_dec module public.

  • Renamed overflowing_pp to opp in the IntIncDecSelf trait and implementers in the inc_dec module.

  • Made the text module a directory oriented module with each object that was contained in the text module file getting its own module file in the new directory.

  • SendableText now implements the Serialize trait when serde is specified as a dependency.

  • Updated the delegate dependency to 0.13.1.

  • Implemented serde::Deserialize on SendableText.

  • All of the methods in the upgrading module that return bool have had “try_” prepended to their names. up_rc, up_rc_pt, up_arc and try_up_arc_pt have been updated to panic on error and not return bools.

  • Implemented Default on SendableText.

  • Renamed AsAny to AsAnyRef and impl_as_any to impl_as_any_ref and removed its second rule.

  • In RcByPtr and WeakByPtr their contents methods now return clones of their respective contents fields. contents_ref methods have been added to each struct which returns a reference to the contents object of each struct. The relevant parts of the project have been updated accordingly.

  • Made the URL a hyper-link in the DynHash trait documentation.

  • Updated documentation

  • Renamed the DynPartialEqOrEq struct to DynPartialEq and updated the relevant parts of the project to reflect this.

  • Renamed the object method of DynHashAdapter to object_ref and updated the relevant parts of the project to reflect this.

  • Renamed the DynPartialEqOrEqAdapter struct to DynPartialEqAdapter and updated the relevant parts of the project to reflect this.

  • Renamed the object method of DynPartialEqAdapter to object_ref and updated the relevant parts of the project to reflect this.

  • Made inc_dec into a directory oriented module.

  • Updated the readme.

  • rc_default was made a private module after being moved into the rc directory module.

  • Now using Keep a Changelog Version 1.1.0 ( in producing the changelog documentation.


  • Fixed issues with integer incrementation and decrementation.


  • Removed the Lazy struct.

  • Removed the dropper module and its contents.

  • Removed events::SkipOnce.

  • Removed old code.

  • Removed HashsetItem and HasStrId from the collections module.

  • Removed the impl_get_weak_self_ref macro.